Piper Vaught

Stage Manager & Dramaturg

Piper is a graduate of Baylor University, emphasizing in stage management and dramaturgy. She fell in love with theatre again after observing a technical rehearsal, quickly changing her major and finding community in the Baylor Theatre department. Since then, she’s gotten the opportunity to serve as the production dramaturg on The Last Night of Ballyhoo, the stage manager for Airness,  and the deputy stage manager for Footloose. Since graduating, Piper is pursuing further stage management experience and graduate studies in theatre history. 

Graduation - December 2021

Selected Work


Airness was one of Baylor Theatre's first Green series productions. These productions are designed to give students an idea of a smaller theatre environment with less resources at their disposal. Our design team was entirely student-led, giving me the opportunity to work almost entirely with my peers. This show also involved lots of air guitar, allowing me to call to music and troubleshoot on the fly when our sound system cut out mid-show. Below are some paperwork examples and production photos.

Director: Lisa Denman

Stage Manager: Piper Vaught

Scenic Design: David T.F. Smith

Lighting Design: Emma E. Smith

Costume Design: Z Garcia

Sound Design: Brian Do

Photos: Jared Tseng

Baylor University Theatre Production Fall 2021


Footloose was Baylor University's 2021-2022 musical production. I had the unique opportunity to serve as the deputy stage manager under our faculty production stage manager, Amanda Lassetter, requiring me to begin attending rehearsals one week before tech to familiarize myself with the production before taking it through the tech process with Amanda and calling the first week of performances. This process presented some new challenges, as I had never worked on a musical or with our new cue light system. After a myriad of obstacles, this was my final production as an undergraduate student at Baylor University. Below are some paperwork examples that reflect some of the challenges encountered and final production photos.

Director: John-Michael Marrs, assisted by Cassie Nordgren

Production Stage Manager: Amanda S. Lassetter

Deputy Stage Manager: Piper Vaught

Scenic Design: Jordan Rousseau, assisted by Izzy Poehlmann

Lighting Design: JoJo Percy Jones & Lindsey Hartgroves, assisted by Winston Ross

Costume Design: Lloyd Cracknell, assisted by Isabella Hernandez

Sound Design: RJ Singleton

Photos: Jared Tseng & Erin Torkelson

Baylor University Production Fall 2021

The Last Night of Ballyhoo

The Last Night of Ballyhoo was Emily Olson's MFA Directing thesis production and my first project as a production dramaturg! Written by Alfred Uhry, the show focuses on a Jewish family living in Atlanta. Hitler has just invaded Poland and the young women of the family can only focus on Ballyhoo! For this specific project, I made an actor packet that focused on understanding Jewish history, vocabulary and culture in 1930's Georgia. This was a learning experience for both myself and the director, as we learned to implement a dramaturg throughout the process. Below are pages from my actor packet and audience enrichment guide, as well as production photos!

Director: Emily Olson

Production Dramaturg: Piper Vaught

Stage Manager: Madelyn Fritz

Scenic Design: Michael Sullivan, assisted by Jessie Rambo

Lighting Design: Brian Do

Costume Design: Sally Lynn Askins, assisted by Christina Vargas

Photos: Jared Tseng

Baylor University Theatre Production Fall 2021


David Smith


Jessie Rambo