Lauren Brown

Costume Designer

Lauren is a student at Baylor University, getting a BA in Theater Design and Technology and a BS in Interior Design. She is a Costume Designer and has worked in Theater Tech for six years. Lauren has worked as a Costume Designer, Costume Craft Supervisor, Draper, and Wardrobe Supervisor. She loves Shakespeare and historical costume but also enjoys exploring more Avant-garde and modern work. She loves to explore the unconscious elements of storytelling, like color and shape, that mold the audience's perspective before they even think about it. Lauren cares deeply about sustainable design and ensuring we are thinking about our lasting impact on not just the planet but ourselves. Design impacts people in so many ways; evaluating that impact and seeing if there are ways to improve it should be a critical part of theater.

Graduation - Spring 2025

Selected Work


Director: Lisa Denman 

Music Director: Guilherme Feitosa de Almeida 

Stage Manager: Danelle Morrow 

Scenic Designer: Izzy Poehimann 

Costume Designer: Lauren Brown

Lighting Designer: Lindsey Hartgroves 

Sound Designer: Sophia Lang 

Properties Supervisor: Angelica Ynfante 

Production Photos: Jared Tseng 

Baylor University Theatre Mainstage Spring 2023

Three Sisters

Director: Lucas Skjaret 

Music Director: Guilherme Almeida 

Stage manager: Danelle Morrow 

Scenic designer: Michael Sullivan 

Costume Designer: Sarah Mosher 

Draper: Lauren Brown

Lighting designer: Josh Wilson 

Projection designer: Mack Wright 

Sound designer: Ryan Swift Joyner 

Property supervisor: Angelica Ynfante 

Production Photos: Jared Tseng 

Baylor University Production Fall 2023


Director and Choreographer: Cassie Nodgren 

Music Directors: Lauren Weber & Melissa Johnson 

Stage Manager: Emma Smith 

Scenic Designer: Lauren Wheat 

Costume Designer: Hannah Prochaska 

Assistant Costume Designer: Lauren Brown

Lighting Designer: Lindsey Hartgroves 

Projections Designer: Ryan Joyner 

Audio Engineer: John Weber 

Sound Effects Designer: Ryan Joyner 

Property Designer:TK Stevens 

Puppet Designer: Shelby Adams  

Production Photos: Jared Tseng 

Baylor University Theatre Mainstage Fall 2021


Sophia Lang