Mary Martin

Props Designer and Maker

Mary Martin is a Senior studying Theatre Design and Technology at Baylor University from Houston, Texas. She has a concentration in props and especially loves being able to sculpt and work with foams. She enjoys the process of taking a concept or 2D image and making it tangible. Mary also enjoys working as a Props Supervisor. She finds it rewarding to collaborate with other members of the creative team and figure out solutions to bizarre problems.

Graduation - Spring 2024

Selected Work

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

I worked as both a Props Supervisor and as a Props Artisan in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at Baylor University. One of the things I made was a statue of the Egyptian goddess, Bastet, to put in the opening museum scene. The original wood silhouette you see was cut on a CNC machine. From then on, the foam was carved, covered in elastomeric, and painted.

Director: Lisa Denman

Music Director: Melissa Johnson, Lauren Weber

Stage Manager: Sophia Lang

Set Designer: Michael Sullivan

Ass. Set Designer: Paige Triplett

Props Supervisor: Mary Martin

Costume Designer: Hannah Prochaska

Asst. Costume Designer: Carly Hinson

Lighting Designer: Jojo Jones

Asst. Lighting Designer: Mack Wright

Sound Designer: John Weber

Projection Designer: Ryan Joyner

Photos: Jared Tseng

Baylor University Production Fall 2023


Andee Roby