Hannah Early

Stage Manager

Hannah Early is a Senior BFA Theatre Design and Technology Major with an emphasis in Stage Management. She believes Stage Management is a design in itself and finds joy in creating order out of chaos. Hannah has worked for Circle Theatre of Fort Worth, the nonprofit children’s theatre company Junior Players, and most recently can be seen as the Stage Manager for Baylor University’s production of A Monster Calls. After graduation, Hannah will be pursuing a Stage Management career onboard Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines.

Graduation - Spring 2023

Selected Work

Circle Mirror Transformation

This show was designed entirely by a graduate student of Baylor Theatre. With the five person cast, we built, painted, sourced, and created this entire production. I was the only person on the stage management team which allowed me to create every piece of paperwork that the show required.

Director, Scenic, Costumes, Lighting, Properties: Lucas Skjaret

Stage Manager: Hannah Early

Photography: Jared Tseng

Baylor University Production Summer 2022

Much Ado About Nothing

Produced in the midst of COVID-19, this production was rehearsed in a normal four week schedule then filmed and distributed and did not have an in-person performance. One of my jobs to was to prep and hand off a bottle of champagne that was popped and consumed on stage. This show involved the use of a foley table that the actors used to create various sound effects throughout the show.

Director: John-Michael Marrs

Stage Manager: David T.F. Smith

Assistant Stage Manager: Hannah Early

Scenic Design: Elliott Carnell

Costume Design: Sarah Mosher

Lighting Design: Hannah Grace Harper

Sound/Projection Design: Ryan Joyner

Properties: Jessie Rambo, assisted by TK Stevens

Photos: Jared Tseng

Baylor University Theatre Mainstage Spring 2021


Orchestrating backstage with a cast of 27 actors, large, rolling risers, and a quick change booth, Footloose is the largest show I have had the pleasure to ASM. The finale balloon drop was orchestrated by a crew of 3 "balloon ninjas" that I managed throughout the run.

Director: John-Michael Marrs

Production Stage Manager: Amanda S. Lassetter

Deputy Stage Manager: Piper Vaught

Assistant Stage Manager: Hannah Early

Deputy Stage Manager: Piper Vaught

Scenic Design: Jordan Rousseau, assisted by Izzy Poehlmann

Costume Design: Lloyd Cracknell, assisted by Isabella Hernandez

Lighting Design: JoJo Percy & Lindsey Hartgroves, assisted by Winston Ross

Sound Design: RJ Singleton

Properties: Kayla Jou, assisted by TK Stevens

Photos: Jared Tseng & Erin Torkelson

Baylor University Theatre Mainstage Fall 2021


Emma Smith


Madelyn Fritz