Lindsey Hartgroves

Lighting Designer

Lindsey Hartgroves is a lighting designer and a graduating senior at Baylor University earning her BFA in Theatre Design and Technology. In her time at Baylor, Lindsey has acted as lighting designer for multiple mainstage productions, such as Amélie and Moon Man Walk, she also co-designed Footloose and assisted on Ordinary Days. Looking towards graduation, she hopes to secure a job in either touring or with a cruise line.

Graduation - Spring 2023

Selected Work


Amélie was Baylor University’s musical production for the 2022-2023 season, and Cassie Nordgren’s MFA Directing thesis production. This show was my senior capstone, making it extra special!

Director/Choreographer: Cassie Nordgren

Stage Manager: Emma E. Smith

Scenic Design: Lauren Wheat, assisted by David Poynter

Puppetry Supervisor: Shelby Adams

Costume Design: Hannah Prochaska, assisted by Lauren Brown

Lighting Design: Lindsey Hartgroves

Sound Effects/Projection Design: Ryan Swift Joyner

Baylor University Production Fall 2022

Moon Man Walk

Moon Man Walk was the final production of Baylor University’s 2021-2022 season. Previously, I had only worked on musical productions, so this show acted as my introduction to designing for straight plays. The unique thing about this production was that it is written for a cast comprised entirely of actors of color. This provided the opportunity to find what complements both the actors’ skin tones, as well as the story.

Director: Sam Henderson

Stage Manager: David T.F. Smith

Scenic Design: Michael Sullivan

Costume Design: Sarah Mosher, assisted by Madelyn Fritz

Lighting Design: Lindsey Hartgroves

Sound/Projection Design: Lindsey Swyers

Photos: Jared Tseng & Erin Torkelson

Baylor University Theatre Mainstage Spring 2021


Footloose was Baylor University’s musical production for the 2021-2022 season. I had the exciting opportunity to serve as the co-lighting designer alongside our faculty lighting designer, and my mentor, JoJo Percy. While I had assisted on the previous season’s musical, having a larger creative role was new and exciting, as well as challenging. Working in tandem with JoJo to create the world of Bomont allowed me to observe, in real-time, what makes a successful design.

Director: John-Michael Marrs

Production Stage Manager: Amanda S. Lassetter

Deputy Stage Manager: Piper Vaught

Scenic Design: Jordan Rousseau, assisted by Izzy Poehlmann

Costume Design: Lloyd Cracknell, assisted by Isabella Hernandez

Lighting Design: JoJo Percy & Lindsey Hartgroves, assisted by Winston Ross

Sound Design: RJ Singleton

Photos: Jared Tseng & Erin Torkelson

Baylor University Theatre Mainstage Fall 2021


Izzy Poehlmann


David Poynter