David Poynter

Scenic Design and Stage Manager

David is an undergraduate student from Lawrenceville, Georgia in his final year at Baylor University, Class of 2023, pursuing a BFA in Theatre Design & Technology with emphasis in scenic design and stage management. Some recent productions that he has designed for include Treasure Island and Amélie, both at Baylor University Theatre. He loves the collaborative process involved with bringing important stories to life on stage, and strives to help create worlds that are imaginative, memorable, and reflections of our unique human experience.

Graduation - Spring 2023

Selected Work

Treasure Island

Scenic Design: David Poynter

Baylor University Production Spring 2022


Amélie was Baylor University’s musical production for the 2022-2023 season, and Cassie Nordgren’s MFA Directing thesis production. This show was my senior capstone, making it extra special!

Director/Choreographer: Cassie Nordgren

Stage Manager: Emma E. Smith

Scenic Design: Lauren Wheat, assisted by David Poynter

Puppetry Supervisor: Shelby Adams

Costume Design: Hannah Prochaska, assisted by Lauren Brown

Lighting Design: Lindsey Hartgroves

Sound Effects/Projection Design: Ryan Swift Joyner

Baylor University Production Fall 2022

Comedy of Errors

Director: Steven Pounders

Scenic Design: David Poynter

Baylor University Theatre Mainstage Spring 2023


Lindsey Hartgroves


Brian Do